Full Moon in Leo

Leo is the fourth archetype in the zodiac journey, coming after Aries (birth), Taurus (getting to know the senses and the body), Gemini (developing curiosity and intellect), and Cancer (recognizing the existence of emotions and learning how to regulate them).

Being followed by Cancer, when we think about the Leo archetype, we cannot separate it from emotions. Leo rules the heart and is ruled by the Sun. Leo gives us life and the ability to love: ourselves and the outer world.

This archetype reminds me of a child given a fork at the dinner table. Would their first instinct be to use it as a fork?

Leo participates in life from a playful, creative, and dramatic perspective, like its opposite sign Aquarius, honoring authenticity and vulnerability.

On this full moon, that same kid who uses the fork as a toy at the dinner table asks for your attention; this full moon wants you to reveal that child inside you who hasn’t been shining much. Since the new moon in Leo in August, whoever has chosen to trust their authentic skills is being rewarded by Leo’s generosity.

We are welcoming the full moon tomorrow at 1.29 pm EST. Uranus will square the moon in Leo & the Sun in Aquarius, which might give birth to sudden, disruptive news and emotions, affecting our relationships. Compromising might be challenging, but with both Venus’s and Chiron’s harmonious aspects, we can notice one reality: we all suffer from time to time. Some days more than others. Seeing an opponent’s wounds may be healing.

We might also notice the problems of the past two years starting to resolve slowly. Chiron trine finds out new ways to heal old wounds. We may have another opportunity to review decisions we have made with selfishness, turning them into compassionate, brave human mistakes. An apology is the most beautiful form of bravery.

From the heart to the wound,

Ipek • Ouroboros Community

İpeksu Durmaz

Writer and Astrologer


Full Moon in Virgo, Saturn Enters Pisces


New Moon in Aquarius