Full Moon in Aries (09/29/2023 at 5.57 AM ET)
Today in yoga, the instructor said something before transitioning into a balance-pose, "You won't succeed by jumping into it. Instead, approach it gracefully with planning, listening with complete care and attention."
What were you ready to start during March 21 and April 20? This dynamic full moon in Aries arrives on September 29 at 6 degrees, completing the events and intentions that began on those dates. Perhaps things that you leaped into impulsively and with great enthusiasm.
The ruler of the full moon, Mars, is in Libra. Mars, when in Libra, feels outside of his comfort zone. Mars, when in Libra, is open to learning something new about its adventure, possibly involving collaboration and agreement with its naturally adventurous and "moving-forward" nature. Mars in Libra likes to hear an opinion before acting on his own. Mars in Libra acts with complete care and attention, like gracefully finding balance in movement, unlike Aries, who leaps into things.
The question is: What if he is paying excessive attention to what others are saying? Mars is exactly conjunct with the South Node, the chart's point related to our past actions, lessons, and habits. Maybe our ability to take action no longer belongs to what we do with or for others. Aren't we celebrating the season of balance anyway?
From the heart to the wound,
(Happy birthday to my Venusians. 20% off in all my readings for Libra sun + risings until October 22♥️)
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