October Astrology Part I
October starts with the harmonious aspects between the Venus & the Nodal axis, offering a period when relationships, creativity, and values are aligned with our soul's purpose or the direction we're meant to go in life. Things seem to be at ease. We choose ourselves, but we respect other's collaboration. Take it all in because we have two eclipses on the way, one on October 14 in Libra and the other on October 28 in Taurus.
The second week of October triggers a Mars & Pluto square on October 8. This aspect might bring power imbalances despite Mars's diplomatic approach to conflicts. How can we find the balance between assertiveness and cooperation? How can we find fairness and equality in relationships?
The Venus & Saturn opposition, which tightens on October 9, can make expressing your affection and love a little challenging. We might have to say "no." to something coming from a partner, romantic or not, to set a clear boundary.
On October 13, Mars, who newly enters Scorpio, will trine Saturn. This establishes a sturdy ground right before the Solar eclipse. Mars enjoys Scorpio's strategic humor. Saturn allows long-term strategic decisions.
Solar Eclipse at 21 degrees Libra conjunct the south node arrives on October 14. What do I need to release so I can begin again? What partnerships do I need to let go of? What behavior in partnerships, coming from both me and the others, takes me away from being me?
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Libras will automatically receive a 20% discount until October 22.