Full Moon in Libra
If the new leaves of your favorite plant unfolded, the full moon in Libra has arrived. The Libra archetype is about peace, unity, and connection. We understand Libra the best when we look at nature. Balance, symmetry, and repetitions are ingredients of Libra and another thing it symbolizes: the harmony between ourselves and others.
This full moon, which is tightly opposite to Chiron, the wounded healer, communicates messages through projections. It is the last full moon before the eclipse season, which will repeatedly remind us to balance our relationships with our independence.
Even though Chiron's halfway journey in Aries re-triggers wounds surrounding the self, selfishness, identity, and anything we must do to "survive," there is a softer aspect to this full moon. Libra's ruler Venus, is in harmony with the two slow-moving planets, Neptune and Pluto. Neptune helps us awaken the compassion we need to see other's perspectives, and Pluto allows us to see the analytical side.
What does building bridges between yourself and others mean to you?
What is lacking in creating harmony between your innerworld and your surroundings?