New Moon in Scorpio
The Moon begins a new lunar cycle on November 13th, aligning with the Sun at 20° Scorpio at 4:27 AM EST. What has been controlling you behind the scenes?
Scorpio symbolizes everything that is hidden. This time, with this new moon’s tight opposition to Uranus, whatever has been secretly controlling us is making its way to our consciousness to set us free. It is time to allow new viewpoints and change.
This new moon triggers the previous nodal axis’s degrees as well. We are not asked the questions we haven’t been asked before. What has changed?
Mars is conjunct with the moon. What is ready to take action with the change?
Uranus also symbolizes “being crystalized” and “being alienated.” What part of yourself that has been alienated are you about to set free?
Even though the combination of Mars, Uranus, and Scorpio energies can bring a lot of intensity, impulse, and anger, there is a softer side of this new moon that can nourish us. Neptune’s trine brings a compassionate new perspective that will provide us with peace if we take the right actions.
Aries rising: What has been controlling your life behind the scenes regarding your debt or shared assets? What actions do you need to take to break free that will provide you peace in terms of your finances?
Taurus rising: What has been controlling your life behind the scenes regarding your partnerships? What actions do you need to take to break free that will provide you serenity and self-confidence in the long term?
Gemini rising: What has been controlling your life behind the scenes regarding your health? What actions do you need to take to break free that will provide care to your mind & body in the long term?
Cancer rising: What has been controlling your life behind the scenes regarding your concept of joy? What actions do you need to take to break free that will nourish you with a sense of community in the long term?
Leo rising: What has been controlling your life behind the scenes regarding your home and family life? What actions do you need to take to break free that will provide you with recognition in the long term?
Virgo rising: What has been controlling your life behind the scenes regarding your close environment or siblings? What actions do you need to take to break free that will provide you with a higher understanding in the long term?
Libra rising: What has been controlling your life behind the scenes regarding your finances? What actions do you need to take to break free that will provide you ease in terms of investments in the long term?
Scorpio rising: What has been controlling your life behind the scenes regarding your self-identity? What actions do you need to take to break free that will provide you stability in terms of relationships in the long term?
Sagittarius rising: What has been controlling your life behind the scenes regarding your mental health? What physical actions do you need to take to break free that will provide you peace in the long term?
Capricorn rising: What has been controlling your life behind the scenes regarding community? What actions do you need to take to break free that will provide you peace and nourishment?
Aquarius rising: What has been controlling your life in terms of your public image? What actions do you need to take to break free careerwise that will provide you peace in your home and family life?
Pisces: What has been controlling your life regarding your view of life? What actions do you need to take to break free that will provide you peace and belonging?
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Scorpios (sun, moon, rising) will automatically receive a 20% discount until November 22.